Minnesotan to Meet Dr. Shannon Klingman
by Shannon Klingman, M.D.
Minn. Doctor Develops Natural (But Scientific) Formula To Help Stop Body Odor
By ALI LUCIA | Feb 20th, 2018
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — She spent the first part of her medical career as an OB/GYN, but about 10 years ago the mother of four decided to stay home with her growing family. You could say during that time she became a “kitchen scientist” — developing a formula to help stop body odor.
It’s a multi-billion dollar industry, so it seems like a lofty goal for this Chaska mother and doctor to want to tap into to an already crowded market.
Dr. Shannon Klingman first filed a patent for Lume in 2007, but after several rejections she stayed the course until approval. That’s what makes this doctor a Minnesotan to Meet.
Store shelves are flooded with deodorant choices, but Klingman says her product is different.
“We are approaching odor control in a whole different way, it’s based on science and we didn’t want to release the product without that patented protection,” Klingman said.
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